Analysis of the Charter of Madinah (Sahifatul Madinah) Based on Locke Theory of Social Contract.
This Analysis will examine two aspects that related to social contract first is the Charter of Madinah during the time of Prophet Muhammad saw and second aspect is the Theory of Social Contract of John Locke. Based on the understanding of the John Locke views, Chatter of Madinah will be analyst.
Locke theory on Social Contract are very much differ compare to the social contract theory of Hobbes. Based on the ideas of state of nature of man, Locke regarded men lives in perfect freedom which they possess right to do what they want to do that gave them freedom to live, health, liberty and possession. Men are equal from one to another, no men are superior than other men in state of nature, where everyone is possess with equal rights and freedom. This very optimistic and positive view of men in nature brings very much different than Hobbes views, that men are selfish and political animal in the state of nature.
This Analysis will examine two aspects that related to social contract first is the Charter of Madinah during the time of Prophet Muhammad saw and second aspect is the Theory of Social Contract of John Locke. Based on the understanding of the John Locke views, Chatter of Madinah will be analyst.
Locke theory on Social Contract are very much differ compare to the social contract theory of Hobbes. Based on the ideas of state of nature of man, Locke regarded men lives in perfect freedom which they possess right to do what they want to do that gave them freedom to live, health, liberty and possession. Men are equal from one to another, no men are superior than other men in state of nature, where everyone is possess with equal rights and freedom. This very optimistic and positive view of men in nature brings very much different than Hobbes views, that men are selfish and political animal in the state of nature.
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