Democracy and its curse
Plato a prominent ancient Greek Philosopher rejected democracy, he propagated Philosopher King as a meant of ruler ship of a state. Rule by one where he accepted monarchy as form of government. Philosopher King with strong emphasizes on the aspect of just, wisdom and knowledge especially on philosophy.
The young generation must undergone certain training ground especially on philosophy, math, science, music and military warfare. Based on this training, the best student will be chosen and selected to further upper level of training. The best ruler known as philosopher king will be chosen in this circle.
Democracy he regarded as ruled by the mob that only bring chaos to the society due to the lack of knowledge and wisdom among the common people. People of majority or in common are not able to determine the best of for the society. They could not given the absolute freedom to decide and choose.
Common interest could not always be the best interest of all and society.Based on this matter the ruler, that chosen from the best people, with the best education could produce a ruler known as 'Philosopher King'. With high possession of high character of wisdom, trustworthy, piety, just and just it will lead to a great society.
It is very enthusiastic to read a book written by Karl Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemy where he wrote in
In the other hand, Plato student's Aristotle are less rejected democracy compared to Plato. He propagate aristocracy, where it rule by few. (Bersambung dengan Aristotelian...)
SEKSYN 14 - 3.29 Am16 MEI 2008
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